The Government  Employess Pension  Fund recognises the importance of having a consistent,accessible and impartial process for dealing  efficiently and  effectively  with complaints. The fund recognises that  the formal and informal complaints process must  be fair  and proffessional. The office of the  Government Employees Pension Ombud has been established to  fulfil this  purpose.

Purpose of the Ombud

The purpose of the Office of the Government Employees Pension Ombud is to establish a mechanism for members of the Government Employees Pension Fund and their beneficiaries to lodge  complaints  against the fund and for GEPO to provide  investigate, consider,  determine and resolve the complaints. The jurisdiction of the Ombud is to:

  • Receive complaints about alleged acts or omissions.
  • Exercise discretion to accept or decline to act on a complaint.
  • Act on the ombud’s own initiative to address issues within the ombud’s prescribed jurisdiction.
  • Operate by fair and timely procedures to aid in the just resolution of a complaint.
  • Gather relevant information.
  • function by such means as:
  • Investigating and issuing determinations
  • Making recommendations for the resolution of a complaint or a systemic
  • Identifying complaint patterns and trends.
  •  Educating.
  • Advocating on behalf of affected individuals or groups when specifically authorized by the board.
  • Initiate litigation to enforce or protect the authority of the office, as otherwise provided by these standards, or as required by law.
  • The Ombud shall require that all complaints be in writing either on paper or electronic form, shall elicit such further information or expert advice as is regarded as necessary and shall seek to resolve every such complaint by determination.
  • The determination aforesaid may be to:
  • decline to consider the complaint
  • uphold the complaint, either wholly or in part;
  • dismiss the complaint;
  • make a ruling of a procedural or evidentiary nature;
  •  award compensation
  • Order a subscribing member to take, or refrain from taking, any such action in regard to the disposal of a specific complaint as the Ombud may deem necessary.
  • Issue a declaratory order.
  • The Ombud may decline to consider or may dismiss a complaint, if it appears to him, on the information furnished by the complainant, that:
  • the complaint has no reasonable prospect of success; or
  • the complaint is being pursued in a dishonest, frivolous, vexatious or abusive manner; or
  • the complaint can more appropriately be dealt with by a court of law; or
  • the complaint is predominantly about investment performance or the legitimate exercise by the GEPF or GPAA of its commercial judgment; or
  • The complainant has not suffered, and is not likely to suffer, material inconvenience or distress or financial loss.
  • If a complainant fails or refuses to furnish information requested by the Ombud within the period fixed for that purpose, the Ombud shall be free to make a determination on the information as may then be available to him:
  • A determination made by the Ombud shall be binding on the subscribing member concerned.
  • All exchanges between the Ombud and a complainant in relation to a complaint and all the documentation generated in regard thereto, shall by agreement be regarded as privileged and shall as such be immune from disclosure in evidence, save by an order of court or the consent of the parties concerned
  • Include reporting lines under About us and include below information:
  • Reporting lines

    GEPO is independent from line management of GEPF and GPAA and reports directly to the Board.
    Thank you

The purpose of the Office of the Government Employees Pension Ombudsman is to establish a mechanism for members of the Government Employees Pension Fund and their beneficiaries to lodge complaints against the fund and for GEPO to provide investigate, consider, determine and resolve the complaints.
The jurisdiction of the Ombudsman is to:

  • Receive complaints about alleged acts or omissions.
  • Exercise discretion to accept or decline to act on a complaint.
  • Act on the ombudsman’s own initiative to address issues within the ombudsman’s prescribed jurisdiction.
  • Operate by fair and timely procedures to aid in the just resolution of a complaint.
  • Gather relevant information.
  • function by such means as:
  • Investigating and issuing determinations
  • Making recommendations for the resolution of a complaint or a systemic
  • Identifying complaint patterns and trends.
  •  Educating.


  • Advocating on behalf of affected individuals or groups when specifically authorized by the board.
  • Initiate litigation to enforce or protect the authority of the office, as otherwise provided by these standards, or as required by law.
  • GEPO shall in the exercise       of its powers and duties be    to –
  •   receive and deal with complaints arising from the pension services provided by the Fund to members, pensioners or their former spouses or their beneficiaries;
  • direct queries which come in the form of complaints to the Fund’s Administrator for resolution by it
  • consider disputes arising between members, and pensioners of the Fund, or their former spouses or their beneficiaries, the employer and the Fund;
  • facilitate the settlement or  resolution of disputes by agreement, or determinations or by such other means as is required subject to these Terms of Reference;
  • determine, at the Ombud’s sole discretion, whether or not a complaint falls within his or her jurisdiction within these Terms of Reference;
  • explore any reasonable prospect of resolving a complaint by a settlement acceptable to both parties;
  • in general take any steps necessary which will help in achieving the Ombud’s mission
  • The GEPF and Employer shall –
  • abide by the rules of procedure to be set out in the Procedure Handbook;
  • abide by the provisions of the GEP Law and the Fund Rules;
  • abide by the standard complaints procedures compiled by GEPO;
  • ensure member communication is sent out to all members advising them of the complaints procedures and those relating to the GEPO
  • expeditiously comply with the requests for information from the GEPO in terms of the Terms of Reference and the Procedure Handbook;
  • display notices on their premises and in all their branches stating that the Fund participates in the GEPO and that copies of the Procedure Handbook are available on request and on the Fund’s website;

    The GEPF and Employer shall not –

  • prevent a member who would otherwise be eligible to use the services of GEPO from doing so through the use of an arbitration clause in a contract;
  • resort to litigation in the courts while a complainant is being dealt with by the GEPO;
  • provide the GEPO with any misleading information;
  • provide any member, pensioner or beneficiary of the Fund with any misleading information regarding the operation of the GEPO
Years of
what we do
What can the Tax Ombudsman office Do For Your

We resolve complaints by investigating matter according to the rules of GEPO

main principles

Global Reach with Local Understanding

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new.

marketing analysis
finance strategy
business innovation

What People Say About Us

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

our team

Our Skilled Leaders

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Monica Black
chief communication officer
Peter Perish
chief business project
Olivia Woodson
international consultant
Peter Adams
co-founder of company
our team

Our Skilled Leaders

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Monica Black
chief communication officer
Peter Perish
chief business project
Olivia Woodson
international consultant
Peter Adams
co-founder of company
Mary Flynn
Adam Oswald
Kate Green
Harry Septem
co-founder of company
our benefits

Entrust Your Project to Our Specialists

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new.

marketing analysis
finance strategy
business innovation

What People Say About Us

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
