Case Officer
Means a complaint of a complainant relating to the administration of a fund, the investment of its fund or the interpretation and application of its rules, and alleging:
That a decision of the fund or any person purportedly taken in terms of the rules was in excess of the powers of that fund or person or an improper exercise of its powers.
That the complainant has sustained or may sustain prejudice in consequences of the maladministration of the fund by the Fund or any person, whether by act or omission;
That a dispute of fact or law has risen in relation to a fund between the fund or any person and the complainant or that employer who participated in a fund has not fulfilled its duties in terms of the rules of the fund but shall not include a complaint which does not relate to a specific complainant.
Means any person who is or who claims to be

  • A member or former member of a fund.
  • A beneficiary or former beneficiary of a fund
  • An employer who participates in a fund
  • Means a court of the provincial or local division of the High Court of South Africa.
  • Determination
  • Means a determination signed by the Ombudsman in terms of the Act
  • Complaint Form
  • Refers to a document that is completed by a member in terms of which she or he a dispute to the GEPO.
  • Government Employees Pension Fund
  • Means the pension fund organization of government employees.
  • Government Employees Pension Administration Agency
  • Any member or former member of the GEPF
  • Ombudsman
    The Government Employees Pension Fund Ombudsman or Government Employees Pension Fund Ombudsman Deputy Ombudsman and any acting Government Employees Pension Fund Ombudsman appointed by the board.



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We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Monica Black
chief communication officer
Peter Perish
chief business project
Olivia Woodson
international consultant
Peter Adams
co-founder of company
Mary Flynn
Adam Oswald
Kate Green
Harry Septem
co-founder of company
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In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new.

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We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
